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Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

Employee forms

  1. Click the PDF FORM option for the document you want to submit.
  2. Download the form.
  3. You can either: 
  • fill in the form electronically [donation form must be printed] and email it to the address indicted at the bottom of the form
  • or print the form, fill it in and deliver it to the indicated office at Cassellholme

A rack of pre-printed forms is available [as usual] outside the Human Resources/Administration office. You can still pick these forms up, fill them out and drop them in the mailbox as before.

Electronic Tax [T4] Consent Form

PDF Form

Sick Leave

PDF Form

Emergency Leave

PDF Form

Banked Stat Hours

PDF Form

Information Release

PDF Form

Employee Donations

PDF Form

There are three options:
  1. Download, print, complete and submit* to the third party provider [address/instructions on the form] or drop in the mailbox outside the Human Resources/Administration office.
  2. Pick up a pre-printed form, complete and mail to the third party provider [address on the form] or drop off outside the Human Resources/Administration office.
  3. Electronically download, complete and submit* online.

* NOTE:   Some third party forms can be uploaded electronically to MyBenefits.ca, if you set up an account.

Dental Claim [Maximum Benefit]

PDF Form [right click to download]

Prescripition Claim [Telus Health]

PDF Form [right click to download]

Extended Health Claim [Maximum Benefit]

PDF Form [right click to download] Note: Firm/Division #42996


Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

READ MOREAbout Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

Job Fair – July 8th

READ MOREAbout Job Fair – July 8th

Facility-wide COVID outbreak

READ MOREAbout Facility-wide COVID outbreak

Time to Meet