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Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

Finally! The facility-wide outbreak has ended. THANK YOU to all the essential caregivers for doing their training and helping out. The whole extended Cassellholme family is very grateful.

We're still working out the details, but this is what we know so far: 

  • General visits can resume tomorrow [May 31st]. Those hours are:  9:30 – 11:30 a.m., 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
  • Essential caregiver hours remain 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • As usual, please don't arrive or leave during our staff shift change between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
  • You still need to wear a medical mask over your nose and mouth for your whole visit [no eating or drinking]. Cassellholme will continue to provide these.
  • COVID screening and testing will continue, but you won't be tested two days in a row anymore.
  • Each Resident can have a maximum of four visitors inside at a time.

As soon as we know more, we'll follow up with another message. Until then, please be patient with us as we prepare to open our doors once again. Did I mention that we're all very excited about this?
Stay tuned for more good news!

We have four new cases on the second floor. All are either symptom-free or have mild symptoms and are in isolation.

Again, this means we have to remain in a facility-wide outbreak, so the same rules apply. Only essential caregivers [ECGs] can come into Cassellholme [one at a time per Resident]. They may visit inside, or take their Resident out for a walk on the grounds. 
Call Jillian Marchand at 705-474-4250 ext. 244 or EMAIL to arrange training for family or friends your loved one would like to designate as ECGs. Remember, each Resident may name up to four people as essential caregivers.

Since our last update, we have had 22 new positive COVID results on the 2nd floor – Birch and Cherry Lane. Most Residents have mild symptoms. There were also seven positives on the 3rd floor/Willow, which are resolving now. In a bit of good news – there are no new cases on Apple or Maple. 
Again, this means we have to remain in a facility-wide outbreak, so the same rules apply. Only essential caregivers [ECGs] can come into Cassellholme [one at a time per Resident]. They may visit inside, or take their Resident out for a walk on the grounds. 
Call Jillian Marchand at 705-474-4250 ext. 244 or email to arrange training for family or friends your loved one would like to designate as ECGs. Remember, each Resident may name up to four people as essential caregivers.

We remain in outbreak status, as seven more positive results came back this week. Two of these are Residents on Birch/Cherry Lane. So - all current protocols must stay in place. Only essential visitors and essential caregivers [ECGs] can come into Cassellholme [one ECG at a time per Resident].

ECG visiting hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please don't arrive or exit between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m., as this is the busiest staff turnover/traffic time. ECGs can visit inside, or take their Resident out for a walk on the grounds. Each Resident can designate up to four ECGs. Call Jillian Marchand [705-474-4250 ext. 244] or email to arrange training.

On Willow Street [3rd floor], we have 13 new COVID-19 cases. They have mild or no symptoms. There are no other cases in the building. We remain in a facility-wide outbreak, so the same rules apply. [Ministry guidelines]

Only essential caregivers [ECGs] can come into Cassellholme [one at a time per Resident]. They may visit inside, or take their Resident out for a walk on the grounds. Each Resident can designate up to four ECGs. Call [705-474-4250 ext. 244] or email Jillian to arrange training.

The current COVID update is: one new symptomatic case was confirmed this week. No cases were discovered through regular weekly testing [April 11, 2022]. Residents are monitored for symptoms daily and continue to be tested weekly. When a Resident tests positive, Public Health extends the outbreak by a further 10 days.

Essential caregivers [ECGs], whose Residents are not in isolation, can arrange outdoor visits. 
  1. Book visits in the Oval Garden in advance, as space is limited.
  2. One ECG can come in take their Resident out to the garden. Standard protocols apply.
  3. Residents can visit with up to four of their designated ECGs [who have entered the Oval Garden via the gate].  
  4. If an ECG wants to take their Resident for a walk, they must stay on Cassellholme property.
  5. ECGs are required to wear a mask and goggles for the duration of their visit - even outside. For added protection, we strongly encourage you to stop by the front desk and get a mask for your loved one as well.
If you want to visit this weekend, contact Jillian Marchand to reserve a spot before Thursday, April 14 at 4:00 p.m.
marchandj@cassellholme.on.ca or 705-474-4250 ext. 244

Oval Garden visiting times for this weekend are:
Saturday, April 16 – 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 17 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are working to add more outdoor visiting options. Please be patient. We're balancing concerns about the current outbreak, the new wave of the highly contagious BA.2 variant and construction changes. We all want to spend time outside with our loved ones as the weather improves.

The facility-wide COVID-19 outbreak continues at Cassellholme. Three new cases were confirmed this week. One was a symptomatic Resident and the other two cases were discovered through regular weekly testing.

Residents are monitored for symptoms daily and continue to be tested weekly. When a Resident tests positive, Public Health extends the outbreak by a further 10 days.

This document will answer questions that have arisen about about outbreak requirements.

The facility-wide COVID-19 outbreak continues at Cassellholme. Residents are monitored for symptoms daily and continue to be tested weekly. When a Resident tests positive, Public Health extends the outbreak by a further 10 days. If that Resident has symptoms, they are placed in isolation, along with their roommate. This week there were three new cases. Staff and visitor test results also have an impact on the Public Health decision. We ask everyone to be very careful and limit their possible exposure to the virus.

As of today, we have three active Resident cases and six active staff cases. Routine surveillance testing will take place on Monday, March 21, 2022.

We will send Resident contacts an email as soon as the outbreak is declared over. For now, the facility-wide COVID outbreak continues. General visits and social outings are still paused. Since the beginning of the outbreak [declared by Public Health on February 28th], 49 cases have been confirmed among the staff and Residents. Currently, 25 of those are active. All Residents will be PCR tested in the next day or two as mandated during an outbreak. 

More changes to visiting guidelines are coming soon. Check here regularly for more updates. 

This is today's update on the current facility-wide outbreak. 

  • 30 Residents have now tested positive for COVID-19
  • Those Residents and their roommates are isolating - 75% are a-symptomatic [feeling fine], 25% have mild symptoms
  • Essential Caregivers [ECGs] with Residents in isolation have been asked to help out with meal time at lunch and dinner
  • N95 masks and eye protection are required when in the building at all times
  • Staffing levels remain good at this time
  • All Residents will continue to be tested weekly during the outbreak and/or when they show symptoms

We've added two in-person training sessions for new ECGs:

  • Wednesday, March 9th – 11:00 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, March 10th – 11:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Email Jillian [duchesnej@cassellholme.on.ca] the name of the new ECG and the date/time they'd like to attend training. I'll respond with a confirmation as soon as possible. If the 11 a.m. training schedule doesn't work for you, email me and we may be able to arrange a different time.
To be an essential caregiver you must:

  • be designated by the Resident/POA
  • establish a care schedule and stick to it 
  • be fully vaccinated to enter Cassellholme [with QR code proof]
  • pass the screening questions at entry and wear the lanyard provided, have a COVID rapid test 2X a week and possibly be chosen for an extra, random testing
  • wear eye protection and the N95 mask Cassellholme provides over your nose and mouth for the entire time [no eating or drinking]
  • complete the free training [learning proper hand washing, PPE donning and doffing, etc.]
  • review the training monthly and sign a form to confirm 

During recent regular rapid testing, fourteen Residents tested positive for COVID-19. Three are confirmed positive and the eleven are suspect cases. Some have very mild symptoms and the rest feel fine. The Medical Director has declared Cassellholme to be in a facility-wide COVID outbreak. This means that general visits and social outings are paused.

What happens now? 

  • only essential caregivers will be allowed into the Home – one per Resident at a time
  • social outings are paused
  • Apple Street Residents have been PCR tested and we expect to have those results back today or tomorrow
  • all other Residents are being PCR tested and we expect those results by mid-week

Cassellholme reports to the Public Health Unit every day. They decide on the beginning and end of an outbreak. They also determine if any new protocols or testing are needed.

The Public Health Unit has just declared Apple Street in COVID outbreak.

We don’t have details yet, but will update this posting as soon as we do. As with any outbreak at Cassellholme, please consider postponing your visit until we have all the protocols in please to ensure everyone’s safety.

General visitors:

  • bring QR code proof of minimum two vaccinations each time you come 
  • you'll be given a rapid test every time 
  • after receiving the test, you'll go back outside and wait 15 minutes for the result to be processed before coming back in
  • entry times are limited to: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. and 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Overall guidelines:

  • general visitors [five years and older] who have QR code proof of at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccine will be able to visit Residents 
  • masks must be worn at all times in the Home [no eating or drinking]
  • number of visitors will increase from two to three at a time [including caregivers]
  • all Residents will be able to go out on social day trips 
  • Residents who've had at least three vaccine doses will be able to enjoy overnight social absences
  • the return of general visitors means external personal care services can resume – yup, that means haircuts!!!
  • our social group activities will remain small, with a max of 10 people

Last Friday, the Ministry announced a number of changes to take place, starting yesterday. We've been working with the Public Health Unit to understand which rules apply to Cassellholme while we're in an outbreak. 
For now, we are not allowed to permit any absences for Residents, other than for medical or palliative/compassionate reasons. We have to go by provincial directives, which have not changed for LTC Homes in outbreak since December 24th, 2021. We are continually discussing this matter with both levels of government, as we know how important it is to you and our Residents.

There is good news for us in these guidelines!
Every Resident, or their SDM/POA, can now designate [in writing] up to FOUR essential caregivers [ECGs]. The rule of only one ECG per Resident in the Home at a time is still in place; however, it now means that Residents can have more of their days filled with loved ones.
We've put together two training sessions to address this growth in numbers: 
Friday, February 11th   11:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Friday, February 18th   11:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Email me [duchesnej@cassellholme.on.ca] the name of the new essential caregiver and the date/time they'd like to attend training.  I'll respond with a confirmation as soon as possible.
This is a quick reminder of some of the guidelines for essential caregivers. You must:
  • be fully vaccinated to enter Cassellholme [with QR code proof]
  • pass the screening questions at entry and wear the lanyard provided 
  • have a COVID rapid test 2X a week and possibly be chosen for an extra, random testing 
  • wear the medical mask Cassellholme provides over your nose and mouth for the entire time [no eating or drinking] 
  • complete the free training [learning proper hand washing, PPE donning and doffing, etc.]
  • establish a care schedule and stick to it
  • review the training monthly and sign a form to confirm 
We're really looking forward to welcoming more essential caregivers into Cassellholme. They make a big difference in the well-being and happiness of their loved ones.

The new Ministry guidelines [from February 7, 2022] are summarized in this document. Cassellholme remains in outbreak, so some of the changes do not include us. For instance, the Public Health Unit has told us we can't allow social absences yet. While our Residents can now have up to four essential caregivers, only one is allowed in the Home at a time.

We remain in a COVID-19 outbreak. Today's updated figures are:

  • 7 Resident cases [6 resolved, 1 active case]
  • 19 staff cases [14 resolved, 5 active]

We'll post these figures weekly, or more often if there are changes. At the top of this page, you'll also find links to the North Bay Parry Sound Public Health Unit COVID-19 Status Report and the Ministry's COVID-19 Guidance for the Health Sector/Long-Term Care.

Cassellholme reports to the Public Health Unit every day. They decide on the beginning and end of an outbreak. They also determine if any new protocols or testing are needed. 
All Residents will continue to be PCR tested weekly for the duration of the outbreak.

The COVID outbreak continues. Four Residents and nine staff members have tested positive for COVID. These Residents are being cared for in our isolation unit and the staff members are isolating at home. 

  • essential caregivers [ECGs] and essential visitors are still able visit; however, only one per Resident at a time in the building
  • N95 masks must be worn by everyone entering Cassellholme, for their entire stay
  • ECGs have to wear provided eye protection, as well as their N95 masks, and remain in their Resident's room
  • full PPE is always to be worn when a Resident is in isolation
  • we are still scheduled to administer a fourth vaccine booster to Residents this week

It's "All hands on deck!" to weather this storm in the weeks ahead. We are grateful to have so many compassionate essential caregivers who have been trained for this kind of situation. We're counting on their help, along with the strong Cassellholme team and our many dedicated community partners. 
Thank you to everyone who is supporting our Residents and staff through this difficult time.

A second Resident and two staff members have tested positive for COVID. As a result, the Public Health Unit has declared Cassellholme to be in a COVID outbreak. All close contacts have been notified and are being tested. These Residents are being cared for in our isolation unit and the staff members are isolating at home.
What happens now?

  • both Residents are from Birch Street, so all Residents on that unit are being PCR tested and high-risk contacts will be isolated
  • essential caregivers [ECGs] and essential visitors are still able visit; however, only one per Resident at a time in the building

  • ECGs are needed now more than ever to help out with their Resident

  • ECGs will have to wear provided universal masks and eye protection and remain in their Resident's room
  • full PPE is always to be worn when a Resident is in isolation
  • N95 masks must be worn on Birch Street at this time by all staff and ECGs

We are scheduled to administer a fourth vaccine booster to Residents next week. As far as we know, this will still happen.

It's "All hands on deck!" to weather this storm in the weeks ahead. We are grateful to have so many compassionate essential caregivers who have been trained for this kind of situation. We're counting on their help, along with the strong Cassellholme team and our many dedicated community partners. 
Thank you to everyone who is supporting our Residents and staff through this difficult time.

CALL 705-474-4250 EXT. 244

This extension is answered Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If we don't answer, be sure to leave a message.

As you can imagine, we’re getting a lot of extra calls these days. Please be patient – we’re trying to return voicemail messages within 24 hours [or the next business day]. 

You can also email questions@cassellholme.ca




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