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Main Floor Map

Click the map to see it larger.

Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

Send-A- Card



1. Choose a category and click CREATE A CARD NOW

2. Fill in the form [To, From, Unit, Room#]

3. Choose a picture and border colour

4. Write a short message for under the picture and another for the right side

5. Add an emoji

6. Click PREVIEW [this may take up to 30 seconds] to see your card or CHANGE CATEGORY to choose a different theme altogether

You have two options from there:

7a. Click MAKE CHANGES to go back to the form 

7b. Click SEND CARD – [this may take up to 30 seconds] it’ll be emailed, printed, folded and delivered

We welcome any feedback during the beta testing, email us.



Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

READ MOREAbout Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

Job Fair – July 8th

READ MOREAbout Job Fair – July 8th

Facility-wide COVID outbreak

READ MOREAbout Facility-wide COVID outbreak

Time to Meet