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Main Floor Map

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Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

No matter what your needs are, we will help you create a warm, welcoming space to call home.

Rooms are private or semi-private with ensuite washrooms. Bedding, bedside tables, chairs and curtains are provided. Adjustable beds and bedrails are available, if needed.

Air Conditioning at Cassellholme

The provincial government recently mandated that all Long-Term Care Resident rooms must have A/C. Cassellholme currently has air conditioning in North Tower rooms and all common areas. Rooms without A/C have temperature sensors so that we can ensure Resident safety. We have applied for an exemption because the electrical system in the current building cannot support air conditioning in every room. The new Cassellholme buildings will have A/C for everyone! We’re waiting to hear back from the government.

Temperature Control Admission Document


Main Floor Map


Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

READ MOREAbout Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

Job Fair – July 8th

READ MOREAbout Job Fair – July 8th

Facility-wide COVID outbreak

READ MOREAbout Facility-wide COVID outbreak

Time to Meet