Updates to our contact list
We're in the midst of making some temporary changes to staff. We'll try to keep the CONTACTS PAGE as up-to-date as possible so you can find who you're looking for. When we can, we keep the phone extension with the job, not the person.
Here are the recent changes:
- Jillian Marchand [formerly Resident and Family Navigator] will be the Unit Manager on Birch/Cherry Streets [ext. 252].
- Lindsay Joncas returns today. She'll resume her role as the Unit Manager on Apple/Maple Streets [ext. 288]. We are grateful to Whitney Delaney for covering the post in Lindsay's absence.
- Kellie Ross will take on the brand new role of Clinical Practical Coach [ext. 177]. She'll be reviewing and improving our clinical processes.
- Tracy Davis [ext. 400] and Derek Callahan [ext. 896] will share the Resident and Family Navigator position. Each will continue in their current roles as well.
We believe that these temporary changes will benefit our Residents and their Home in many ways!