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Air Quality Alert


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The wildfire smoke in our area has triggered an extreme air quality alert.  www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-quality-health-index/wildfire-smoke.html

This pollution contains fine particles [not visible to the human eye] that get deep into our lungs and bloodstream. These can sometimes lead to serious health effects. The worst of it is likely today and tomorrow. There is a chance of some relief over the weekend. weather.gc.ca/city/pages/on-139_metric_e.html

We are taking the necessary steps to protect our Residents. 

  • All windows and doors are closed. Please help us to enforce this.
  • The HVAC system is filtering all the air coming into, and circulating throughout the Home. The filters are monitored and changed regularly.
  • All activities have been moved indoors for the duration of the alert.

For more information and recommendations on keeping yourself safe at home and outdoors, check out this additional info www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/combine-wildfire-smoke-heat.html


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